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Is It A Real Estate Business Or A Content Business?

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 25 March 2021


Is your company a real estate business or a content business? How does this impact your most important moves and the investments that you should be making?

Undercover Real Estate Businesses

It used to be that many companies were really just real estate businesses in disguise. McDonalds is probably the most obvious of these. It’s not about the dollar menu burgers. It’s about the real estate.

This has also been true of schools and the most famous universities, as well as government. Ivy League colleges are really just real estate businesses which also happen to have students as tenants, and tuition as an extra form of cash flow. The US government is probably the biggest landlord in the world. Everyone has to pay them rent every year in the form of annual property taxes. They seize property and resell it when it suits them. The same may be true of many big funds which trade other financial products to pay for prime real estate.

However, all of this is changing. It may have already changed.

It’s A Content Business

Today, many, if not most of the biggest businesses are actually content businesses in disguise.

Netflix is not a technology company, it is a content company. Disney, Google, Zillow, Facebook, Twitter, and AT&T, are all content companies. They own a lot of prime real estate, but they generate billions of dollars in annual revenues from their content. They are happy to buy up other businesses with great content for billions of dollars.

Of course, real estate businesses are content companies too. Whether it is pushing out listings, home value tools, renovation tips, or investment advice, it is increasingly about the content.

The Big Question Is...

How strong is your content game?

Content will make or break you. It will determine how much real estate you can sell if that is still your thing. As well as how much other income you can generate.

Content in its many forms is increasingly differentiating the few leaders from the masses of wannabes. So, how are you capitalizing on this shift? Are you doing enough content? Are you putting out the highest quality content in your space? Are you monetizing the content itself in addition to making more real estate deals as a result of your content?

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